Tuesday, March 31, 2009

A brush with the Melancholy side of Life, Don't worry, this is the end of the sappy this month...

Sunday night was interesting. We went to a viewing for someone who had taken their own life. It makes me remember that there are so many people in so much pain out there. It makes me ache to think of the hopelessness they feel and the pain that they leave their loved ones with. There is something horrible about seeing the Dad of this young person broken down that tears your heart out.
When we got home from the viewing, our oldest, UFD, announces that she wants to drop out of high school. This starts an hour screaming match between her and the Prince. I know she is capable of passing her classes, I know she is capable of excelling in her classes, she has no desire. I am at my wits end with her. She informed my neighbor that I am a hypocrite for not letting her have wine at her house, because if I have tasted it then she should be allowed to as well. NEWS FLASH!!!! I was NOT allowed!!! The Prince wants to send her to a survival camp this summer so she can learn respect and responsibility, aren't these things we should have instilled already? Are there teenagers out there who show respect to their parents ALL the time? Where is it that I have failed this child? Have I failed all of them? Are they all going to tell us the same things sooner or later? After 17 years of being the mom I feel almost as helpless as I did when they first handed her to me.
I have to go get things done now, since there is nothing organized about our existence here in the pit of Hell we call home.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Dinner and Family

I should be making dinner but I just don't feel like it. Someone will complain about it and I just don't want to hear the wailing. Normally I do enjoy making them wail, but not today. Last night I slept for about 2 hours, and not in one lump time. I think that allows me the right to be a tad grouchy and overly sensitive, maybe the prince will take pity on me and make dinner. Excuse me whilst I cackle hysterically in the corner for a bit...
On a different note, I joined facebook a bit ago and today my youngest brother Bobo was on at the same time as I was. It was nice to talk to him, we don't see each other much because he is out of state. His wife is my favorite sister in law, don't tell the others. She is one of those people who is always genuine, she is kind and cares about other people. She doesn't just say something, she does something. Does that make any sense? I know what I mean anyway. They are coming to my state in a few weeks and I am really looking forward to seeing them. Bobo lived with me for a while before his mission and I really enjoyed having him. I don't tell my family as much as I should how much I love them and am grateful for each member.
I guess I better cut the sappy-ness and get on to the wailing!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Venting, because I am not as gracious as Cinderella.

I was told last night to quit the freaking PTA, send all our sick dwarfs to school and put the remaining dwarfs to be. Then I could nap and wouldn't be sleep deprived. Sometimes the Prince forgets to be Charming. I think that is a problem for more people than just me. Men just don't seem to get that women don't sleep because they are too busy doing, or thinking about doing, things to make their Princes and Dwarfs happy. Speaking of, Grumpy has been screeching at me to just get her a piece of cheese for 5 minutes, and has now woken Baby. I might put Grumpy in her bed and leave her there for the day. Maybe I will lay in my bed and do nothing so that when the Prince gets home he has a real reason to ask what the bleep goes on around here.

I think I know the reason I don't blog much. Cheese screeching, I want a soda it's not fair being wailed in my ear while a soda is shoved at me repeatedly, I am a boring blogger. I think I will go get cheese and soda before these people drive me insane and I bore my reader to death.....

Monday, March 23, 2009

Don't Die Of Shock People

So it has been MONTHS since I have posted anything. It isn't that I have nothing to say, it is that I never seem to have the time to write out my thoughts. If I could only think my post into the computer, I would be posting something new ten times a day, or more! It is snowing here today. It makes me a little sad even though I knew it was coming, it always does, this is Utah after all. I know tomorrow the crocuses will still be blooming, peeking out from the snow. And that the tulips that were starting to come up will not die. I know that I will soon have the garden in and that the kids will be out of school and I will be complaining about the heat. But right now snow sucks. Emotional dwarf, #3, said it right this morning, it's like bird poo. Great large birds circling my little area right after a large meal at the all you can eat buffet. I have nothing else right now. Even if I did, I can't imagine a normal sounding transition here...