Friday, September 26, 2008

Cleaning in the House of Mess Makers

So I am sitting here thinking of all the things I should be doing. I originally came upstairs to use the bathroom but sat down instead and looked at the pampered chef outlet page and then Jules page, and here I sit. My dear Moody is outside digging in what is left of my garden with The Lone Ranger. I know that he likes to dig and so does she and they are out of the house and quiet but they are digging in DIRT. I am trying to clean and they are going to come in filthy and get dirt everywhere. This is why I hate cleaning. I have what feels like 50 people following behind me messing it up. And not just leaving a little clutter, they somehow manage to make things so messy that Prince Charming thinks I sit and do nothing all day other than spend us into the poorhouse. So far all I have done is clean the oven. I wanted to get the entire kitchen done, drawers wiped out, cupboards cleared of all the crap that doesn't belong in them. I have cleaned the oven. And I only did that because every time I turn the thing on P.C. hollers down from his throne, the computer chair not the potty, "what's on fire?" No one else notices a fire like stench. Of course no one else here can smell bacteria.... I am going to be in SO much trouble if he reads this. He probably won't though due to his overwhelming aversion to blogs.

Jules and I were talking a couple days ago about the names of the dwarfs and how so many of them could be called Grumpy. We finally came up with this for the eldest, Ultimate Fighting Dwarf, or UFD. Those of you who have met said dwarf are just getting back on your chairs after laughing yourselves right off of them. The name totally fits her. If she is awake she is arguing with someone, if you are within her reach and she is in the right mmod, she will start a physical battle. And she will NEVER give up. I suppose this might be a good quality in life, the never giving up, but in a family it SUCKS!!!!!

I better stop rambling now and get busy, so many messes, so little time, and so many mess makers....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This was awesome, I laughed about it again. I would write more but I'm on my iPod.