Wednesday, September 24, 2008


I don't know how I thought I had time for this. My dwarfs won't let me be for 2 minutes. At the moment Grumpy is laying under the chair so that if I move I will pull her hair, I think that is part of her plan, she is also crying because she wants me to get her shoes RIGHT NOW, The Lone Ranger is screaming like a little girl at Grumpy, and let me introduce you to Quirky Dwarf. She is my child who definitely marches to the beat of her own drummer. She spends each morning trying her best to convince me that the toga is in style and she should wear only a towel all day. She walks through the snow barefoot and puts together crazy outfits and thinks they are cute. She also has an aversion to brushing her hair. She is on my bed waiting for me to scream at her to put her clothes on so she doesn't make Moody late for school. Moody is almost 12, I think that explains it.

I made my bed last night at 11 with nice clean sheets. I turned the mattress and put fresh pillowcases on all the pillows. The Lone Ranger has just eaten one side of his Popsicle and left the other side to fall apart and melt all over my side of my fresh new sheet. The really sad part is that I don't care enough to wash the sheets again right now. I might just sleep in Popsicle. That my friends is what absolute sleep deprivation will do to you.

I better get up from this chair now and start the morning yell-fest. Otherwise I will sit and ramble the morning play by play to anyone who will read it and they will all be late for school, and it's a preschool day and I LOVE my 2 hours without Grumpy. I mean, Grumpy LOVES preschool.

Have a good day all. I will be finishing the pears and moving to pickles so I know I will have a day filled with glee, and bandages. I will try to post the bread recipe later Kelly.


COOLWHIP said...

Thank you.... I have a day full of tomatoes and a sick baby. The 2 are not compatable.

Anonymous said...

Hearing about your days somehow always brightens up mine. Weird, huh?