Saturday, October 4, 2008


This weekend is General Conference. I love General Conference. I love to listen to the talks in my nightgown, usually still in my bed. All the kids are much better behaved than they are on a normal Sunday and they usually sit and listen with me. Tonight Prince Charming is at the Priesthood session with my dear friends husband and my father. Prince Charming has never gone to the Priesthood session before. I have no words to describe how thankful I am for a friend who cares for me enough to make sure my husband is where he needs to be tonight. I hope P.C. is enjoying himself and listening to the words of our Prophet and filling his spirit with the truths being taught. I hope this is what's happening. So my grateful moment will be for my friend. I have some really great friends. Thank you for all you do to lift me up when I feel like I might not make it another day.

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