Friday, October 31, 2008

My Top 10 Things To Hate (because dislike really isn't strong enough) About Halloween

1. Teens who announce they are too old to dress up and trick-or-treat at the beginning of the month and then change their minds late the night of the 30th.

2. Face Paint.

3. I'm going to be a dog, no a princess, No a dog, NO I MEAN I WANT TO BE A CAT. I TOLD YOU THAT ALLREADY!!! (some of you may recognize the demon dwarf here.)

4. Face Paint. On small children, their clothes, my floor. Check out Jules's page, she does a great job with face paint...

5. My house is a mess of costumes and candy for days before and days after.

6. I am crappy at applying Face Paint.

7. People who think scaring little kids is funny. I want to take their names and call them at 3 AM and let them calm my hysterical children.

8. Dressing kids at 7 AM because they have to have their faces painted for school.

9. School parades and parties, I am never on time and I am usually in charge, and always someone sends their on the verge of death child to cough on my baby, because they LOVE babies!

10. Getting older each year.


COOLWHIP said...

happy birthday....

Anonymous said...

So, I know this is belated, but big fabulous extraordinary stupendous Happy Belated Birthday Dawling!