Tuesday, October 14, 2008


I have been tagged!


Link the person who tagged you

Mention rules on your blog

Tell about 6 of your quirks

Tag six fellow bloggers to do the same

Leave a comment to let them know

I am not sure I know how to link to someone. http://www.littlelukers.blogspot.com/ I did it!! Okay I had a little help from Amanda.

I don't believe I have any quirks. I believe that the rest of of the people in the world are far too relaxed. That being said, I will try to come up with 6 of my best qualities for your reading enjoyment, and possible emulation.

1. Pears are supposed to be pink and green when bottled. I find this to be normal but it was just pointed out to me that it isn't. I assume the rest of you eat your pears white I just can't comment on that because it would be considered rude. I will tell you that I have never had a white pear because when my grandma was pregnant with my uncle she was bottling pears and their whiteness didn't look appealing to her and she started adding coloring to them. I think white pears look somewhat like pear shaped blobs of shortening or, oh I don't know, lard.

2. I like to sleep closest to the exit of a room. I like to face that exit. This way I can see who is coming in and I can get out fastest in the event of a fire or break in. Or both. Also I can get the the kids faster when they are screaming, crying, coughing, vomiting, etc.

3. I make sure my kids are not dead several times in the night. I have been known to wake them up before just to make sure because they weren't breathing loudly enough. His Royal Highness mocks me for this but I think the 7 living kids are proof positive that I am doing something right. Besides, I know I am not the only one out there that does this.

4. I have a problem with meat. Veins in chicken, fat, bits that are definitely not meat in hamburger. I try to avoid hamburger MEAT myself but I do make it because my kids do not share the sentiments with me. I don't think fat or veins need to be elaborated on. I also do not think fruit and meat go together, not fruit sauce on the steaks, orange on ham, none of it. This being said, I like my steaks to be seared on the outside and bloody just under the searing. As P.C. says, mooing.

5. I drink soda for breakfast. It's a great habit and I suggest you all take it up. Doesn't matter what flavor you choose, diet Pepsi is great for a normal day and I would recommend Dr. Pepper for the days when you have more planned or a large amount of stress. I like to think of the soda as my whiskey for the day since whiskey is a bad way to start things out. (disclaimer: I do not consume alcohol as much I might like to somedays.)

6. This one is a toss up. I would share with you that dead people don't bother me. Bodies are just that, bodies and cannot hurt you. HOWEVER, I have many friends who would vote for me to talk about my inability to do anything without counting. I love to count. I count steps, every one of them, I count swallows of food and drink. I count deodorant swipes. A couple days ago I bought some fabric and counted the times the lady cutting it flipped the bolt over to remove the fabric and the times her scissors opened and closed while cutting it. I refrained from telling her she should make one more cut into thin air in order to get to the right number. The right number can change on any given day but is almost never odd.

Okay, that is it. I hope you all find this list to be helpful to you in your daily lives. I have only 4 friends I could tag and one tagged me, do I tag her again and let her try to come up with 6 more of her own quirks or just tag three and be half a failure rather than a third of a failure? Lets tag her and see where she goes with it.



Good luck folks. Have a great day, I am off to the car!!! GO ERRANDS!!!!!!

1 comment:

COOLWHIP said...

tag back