Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The Really Not Great Day

Today was a fun day. I started out so tired I couldn't stay awake. Prince Charming kept talking to me waking me up and making me REALLY mad. Then I thought Sam's Club opened up at 9:30 but it was 10 so I wasted time sitting in their parking lot for 30 minutes. I did finish a book and fed Tiny so it wasn't a total waste. Then I came home and learned how to make a cute blanket that a friend made for another friends baby shower. The only sad part about this is that my house was a HUGE mess. I did enjoy time with my friend getting to know her a little better. Then I took a project to the Jr. High, the wind blew it around though and it was all tangled, just another little bright spot. Then I drove all the way to JoAnns so I could see if they have their stocking patterns in yet, I have done a counted cross-stitch stocking for each child and I don't have one for Lone Ranger or Tiny yet. And I have to LOVE the pattern because it usually takes a year of working on them. After getting there I remember that I left my purse at the house. I drive back home and go in to get my purse, I can't find it, I wonder if PC has hidden it from me so I won't spend money, and then I find it, in the car. I don't have time to go back before getting dwarf 2 from school, I am picking her up because she needs maxi pads and I always get the wrong ones. We get home and the phone rings and it is Moody letting me know she has diarrhea and she thinks she has leaked through her pants. I go to the elementary, it is always a fun zoo there. I come home and ask everyone to do their chores, then I tell them, then I yell and finally, I shriek. They sort of start moving. But only because I promise to take them to the pumpkin patch if they get done soon. Then I find that we are out of garbage bags, I go to the store to get some. I am gone 20 minutes. I get home to all my kids but Moody running out to the car, they are screaming. In itself this is not abnormal. Today it is what they are all fighting to get out of their mouths first that is horrifying, Moody called 911. 911. My house is a mess, I haven't showered since Sunday morning, I am tired, so tired, and all my fighting kids are about to be introducing themselves to the happy officer who is coming over shortly. I call to let them know we are fine and don't need them, they say okay but I know I only bought myself an extra 15 minutes til they get here. After Officer Blue Eyes see's that we are fine, the kids start telling me their version of what went on, and basically Moody didn't think 911 worked with several other numbers dialed after the 9 1 1. It does. She hangs up on them, so they call back. She tells them she and I live here alone, she doesn't know her address or where the mail is kept so she can tell them her address, oh and she tells them she is 7, you all know she isn't. Lets just say the night didn't go well.
I showered finally, and I shaved my legs even though I was waiting for the tub to be usable, I looked like a man, seriously it has been about 5 weeks. It was not pretty, tomorrow I'll get some Drano for the hair clog.
It's 11:36 as I type and I still have 1 child in my bed. So I am going to move it and then sit in bed watching TV and eating the pixie stix I got for Halloween!

And one last note: HAPPY BIRTHDAY JULES!!!

Night night.


COOLWHIP said...

You seem to have a lot more of "those" days than I do. I am enjoying the realitive peace, I imagine it will stay until I have teenagers.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the birthday wishes. I'm glad to know that you don't look like a man anymore. Hey, I told you, you could use my tub.

Anonymous said...

I gave you a blog award...come over to my blog to pick it up. If you dare..bwah-ha-ha-ha.